Microbiome Resources

Free downloads and more for you and your patients.


Clear away obstacles. Entrenched biofilms and unwanted organisms can create an obstacle that requires outside assistance. The vital first step is to clear away irritants, unwanted microbes and biofilms – allowing the body’s innate restorative ability to go to work.



Intercept and eliminate toxins. How can you make toxin removal safe and even comfortable? Pull out debris. Intercept and eliminate unwanted toxins and microbial byproducts. Detoxification done right.



Bring balance and healing. Undesirable microbes create imbalances, even disorder. The effort to restore harmony requires ongoing renewal – and that’s where our botanicals and nutrients shine. Plants unite with the body to revive and strengthen – cultivating microbial diversity, healthy digestion, nutrient absorption, and sustained well-being.



Optimize Resilience. In the face of novel microbes, or if the body is weakened, we need to call in the troops. Humans have relied on plants for eons to balance and reinforce immune activity. To rouse the body’s vital force. To prime the immune pump for opposition. Together, the body and botanicals bolster defenses to co-create optimal resilience.



Promote oral health. We’ve created one-of-a-kind, research-backed oral care products. Serious science transformed into action – clearing unwanted oral microbes, cultivating beneficial flora, and supporting healthy teeth and gums. It’s foundational Dentaceutical® care with a systemic reach. Because whole-body health begins in the mouth.


Even more with Dr. Tom O’Bryan!

Join our May webinar

<p>Demystifying LPS</p><p>Demystifying LPS</p> - Mobile image

Demystifying LPS

MAY 8, 2024 | 11 AM PT

Known as a “Sherlock Holmes” who uncovers the underlying mechanisms that trigger perplexing health issues, Dr. O’Bryan will offer valuable tips and tools for understanding LPS and minimizing their damage.

Learn more about gut health

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